4 Lunch Break Ritual to Keep You Motivated All Day

4 Lunch Break Ritual to Keep You Motivated All Day

Working a long day can certainly make it difficult to stay on top of all of your tasks without losing motivation.

In fact, many people find it difficult to concentrate on one single task for longer than 15 or 20 minutes without needing a break, and that’s totally normal!

Getting short bursts of productivity throughout your day may be what works best for you. However, if you find that you struggle to stay on track after that lunch hour hits, there are some things you can do on your lunch break to keep you motivated all day.

While sitting down for lunch can be a relaxing way to recoup and get ready for the rest of your day, there are some other things you can do that may be a bit more beneficial. Use about half of your lunch break to enjoy your lunch, and then try implementing at least one of these lunch break rituals to see how much better you feel when you return to your desk.

#1 Get Outside:

If you work inside all day, the best thing you can do is to get outside and get some fresh air! Vitamin D is a very important vitamin for mental health and can give you a nice mood and energy boost after you get back from lunch. If you can eat lunch outside, that’s great, but even just taking a 10-minute power walk after lunch is better than nothing. Try to make it a habit to get out of the office on the nice days for half of your break to see what it can do for your productivity levels when you get back to your desk.

#2 Listen to Music:

Make a playlist of some of your favorite uplifting songs and listen to them while you eat lunch. Not only will it help to keep your mood lifted, but you may find yourself feeling better when it comes time to get back to the grind.

#3 Review Your Daily Goals Before You Sit Back at Your Desk:

After you have taken the time to enjoy your lunch, go outside, and made some time to just clear your mind, take five minutes to review your goals. If you set goals in the morning, or you have a daily to-do list, look this over and prioritize what needs to be done first when you get back to work.

#4 Breathe:

After you enjoy lunch, be sure to take some time to just breathe. You can even try downloading a guided meditation app on your phone and put in your headphones and do a quick guided meditation. You would be surprised at what a quick mental break can do for your motivation and productivity for the rest of the day.

Don’t let your motivation slip after lunch. Try implementing some of these lunchtime rituals to see how much better you feel and how much more you get done throughout your afternoon.

Written by: Rebecca Jacobs, a Certified Holistic Nutrition Consultant who specializes in women’s health, gut health, and food sensitivities.

Add a New Lunch Rootine

Did you know that our microbeads are easy to take, just add them to your smoothie or sprinkle them onto your yogurt. Just pop a pack in your lunch and open when you’re ready for a healthy snack.